Microsoft Excel

Unlock the power of Microsoft Excel with an array of comprehensive, customizable courses designed for all skill levels. Whether you're looking to streamline your workflow, manage data more effectively, or enhance your analytical skills, these courses will get you there!

Course Description

    • Excel Level 1

    • Excel Level 2

    • Excel Level 3

    • Excel With VBA Programming

  • Excel Beginner (Level 1)

    • Interface Exploration: Get familiar with the Excel window, ribbons, menus, and basic navigation.

    • Cell Formatting: Learn to format cells for numbers, text, dates, currencies, and more.

    • Data Entry & Editing: Master entering, editing, copying, pasting, and deleting data in cells.

    • Formulas & Functions: Explore built-in functions like SUM, AVERAGE, COUNTIF, and understand how to create simple formulas.

    • Charts & Graphs: Learn to create various chart types (bar, pie, line) to visualize your data effectively.

    • Data Printing: Format and customize printouts for clear presentations of your spreadsheets.

    Excel Intermediate (Level 2)

    • Conditional Formatting: Apply conditional formatting rules to highlight specific data based on conditions.

    • Data Validation: Set limitations on what type of data can be entered in specific cells to ensure accuracy.

    • Data Sorting & Filtering: Learn to sort and filter large datasets for efficient analysis.

    • Tables & PivotTables: Create tables for data organization and leverage PivotTables for powerful data summarization and analysis.

    • Working with Multiple Worksheets: Manage and navigate between multiple worksheets within a single workbook.

    • Advanced Functions: Explore more complex functions like VLOOKUP, INDEX MATCH, and SUMIFS for intricate data manipulation.

    Excel Advanced (Level 3)

    • Macros & Automation: Learn to record basic macros to automate repetitive tasks.

    • Data Consolidation: Consolidate data from multiple worksheets or workbooks into a single location.

    • Scenarios & Goal Seek: Use scenarios and goal seek to analyze different possibilities based on changing data.

    • Formulas & Functions (Deep Dive): Delve deeper into advanced functions like DATE, TEXT, and logical functions (AND, OR, NOT).

    • Customizing Excel: Learn to customize toolbars, create custom functions, and personalize your Excel experience.

    • Error Handling: Understand and address common errors in formulas for smooth spreadsheet functioning.

    Excel VBA Programming

    • Introduction to VBA: Get introduced to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), the programming language for Excel.

    • The VBA Editor: Learn to navigate the VBA editor, write and edit VBA code.

    • Recording Macros: Understand how to record macros to capture your actions and translate them into VBA code.

    • Variables & Data Types: Learn about variables (data holders) and different data types used in VBA programming.

    • Control Flow Statements: Master control flow statements like IF statements, loops (FOR, WHILE), to control the flow of your code.

    • Subroutines & Functions: Create reusable subroutines and functions to organize your VBA code effectively.

    • Working with Objects: Understand and interact with Excel objects like worksheets, cells, ranges, and charts using VBA.

    • Debugging & Error Handling: Learn techniques for debugging your VBA code and handling errors for robust applications.