Microsoft Access

Dive into the world of database management with Microsoft Access. Perfect for beginners, these courses will teach you how to create, manage, and utilize databases to organize information efficiently and support data-driven decision-making.

Course Description

    • Access Level 1

    • Access Level 2

    • Access Level 3

    • Access Level With VBA Programming

  • Access Level 1

    • Interface Exploration: Get familiar with the Access window, ribbons, menus, and basic navigation.

    • Database Creation: Learn to create a new database, define tables, and establish relationships between them.

    • Data Entry & Editing: Master entering, editing, and manipulating data within tables.

    • Data Types & Field Properties: Understand different data types (text, numbers, dates) and set appropriate field properties.

    • Creating Forms: Learn to create user-friendly forms for data entry and editing.

    • Filtering & Sorting Data: Explore filtering and sorting techniques to efficiently navigate large datasets.

    • Basic Queries: Understand the concept of queries and write simple queries to retrieve specific data.

    Access Level 2

    • Advanced Queries: Delve deeper into queries, utilizing joins, criteria, and calculated fields to extract complex data subsets.

    • Creating Reports: Learn to create reports for presenting and summarizing data from your tables and queries.

    • Relationships & Data Integrity: Master establishing and managing relationships between tables for data consistency.

    • Data Validation & Input Masks: Implement data validation rules and input masks to ensure data accuracy.

    • Macros & Automation (Introduction): Get introduced to macros, a basic way to automate repetitive tasks.

    Access Level 3

    • Normalization: Understanding data normalization principles for efficient database design.

    • Security and User Management: Setting user permissions, passwords, and access levels for secure databases.

    • Multi-user Access: Managing concurrent access and data conflicts in a multi-user environment.

    • Backup and Recovery: Creating backups of databases and performing data recovery.

    • Data Macros and Automation: Automating tasks using data macros and event procedures.

    • Introduction to VBA: Understanding the role of VBA in Access, creating simple VBA code for basic automation.

    Access with VBA Programming

    • Introduction to VBA: Learn the fundamentals of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), the programming language for Access.

    • The VBA Editor: Become familiar with the VBA editor environment, writing and editing VBA code.

    • Recording Macros: Understand how to record macros to capture your actions and translate them into VBA code.

    • Variables & Data Types: Learn about variables (data holders) and different data types used in VBA programming.

    • Control Flow Statements: Master control flow statements like IF statements, loops (FOR, WHILE), to control the flow of your code.

    • Subroutines & Functions: Create reusable subroutines and functions to organize your VBA code effectively.

    • Working with Objects: Understand and interact with Access objects like forms, reports, tables, and queries using VBA.

    • Automating Database Tasks: Write VBA code to automate various tasks like data entry, report generation, and data manipulation.

    • Creating Custom Forms & User Interfaces: Learn how to build custom forms and user interfaces for advanced database interaction with VBA.